Well, I'm using v11 to edit a .xml file, and typing the "</" seems to do nothing for me at all.
At that point, the little listbox in the rebar area says "no current context" (not sure what that means).
If you're getting something useful to happen, then I would have guessed we have different options set in the "Auto-Complete" tab of the "Extension Options" for ".xml". But, staring at and tinkering with those options brings me no change in this behavior.
I have checked "Enable auto-completion" and "Keywords" and "Alias expansion" and "Symbols" and "Word completion".
If I type a character after the "</", then it does try to do some kind of auto-completion, but it seems to have no concept that there's only one possible legal tag it can be at that point. It offers me choices that include most any word of text with the same prefix that appears in the file.
Anything else I might try to get this feature enabled? Is it possible this just doesn't work on well-formed XML, and requires a DTD or some other aspect of "valid" (as opposed to "well-formed", as defined by the standard) XML?