Author Topic: Open Extensionless files with Slickedit doesn't work  (Read 9225 times)


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Open Extensionless files with Slickedit doesn't work
« on: June 09, 2014, 05:29:17 PM »
We have hundreds of cobol copybooks with no extensions. They are all in a copy directory so I can use Extensionless file mananger to associate these all with cobol but if I just open the file it doesn't use the SlickEdit editor so it just comes up as a text file. I have gone to Windows/Slickedit Preferences/File Options/Load and turned on 'Open extensionless files with SlickEdit'. I've saved the setting and exited and restarted Eclipse but when I double click one of these files it just opens it in the default text editor. I can change this by using 'Open with' on each file and specifying SlickEdit but it would be a lot nicer if this happened automatically when I double-clicked it.


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Re: Open Extensionless files with Slickedit doesn't work
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2014, 11:07:02 PM »
Works for me by configuring a pattern in Windows/Slickedit Preferences/Languages/Extensionless File Manager
eg, I have set "D:\Development\Data\**\src\**" to "IBM HLASM", and it opens the files in the slickedit editor in the appropriate mode.


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Re: Open Extensionless files with Slickedit doesn't work
« Reply #2 on: June 09, 2014, 11:34:47 PM »
I do have **\copy\* pattern in the extensionless file manager. This works if I use Open With and force it to use the SlickEdit editor. The files are seen as COBOL and it works fine.

The problem I am having is that I have to force it to use the SlickEdit editor using Open With. With the 3.7 version in Eclipse Indigo I had 'Open Extensionless files with SlickEdit' set to On and it would automatically open these files in SlickEdit. It is only in the Kepler beta version where I am having a problem.


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Re: Open Extensionless files with Slickedit doesn't work
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2014, 01:58:38 AM »
Works OK for me (ie, I don't need to use Open With). I did have issues with this in the past when my SlickEdit configuration was on a fileshare - it just didn't work. When I moved it to a local drive it all started magically working again.

It could also be due a difference in the version (ie, yours has the bug whereas mine doesn't). For reference, I'm running:

SlickEdit Core v4.3.0 for Eclipse
Library Version: 32-bit

Build Date: May 14, 2014
Emulation: Eclipse

Eclipse:  3.9.2.v20131004-0923
JDT:  3.9.1.v20140221-1700

OS: Windows 7 x64
OS Version: 6.01.7601  Service Pack 1


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Re: Open Extensionless files with Slickedit doesn't work
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2014, 05:10:49 AM »
The configuration is in C:\users\ken\documents\My SlickEdit Core Config\4.3.0 and the actual program is in c:\eclipse so no shares involved there. The workspace however is on a shared drive. I have the exact same version of SlickEdit Core running on a Vista 32-bit machine. I have also tried it on a Windows 8.1 64-bit machine and I had the same problem there.

SlickEdit Core v4.3.0 for Eclipse

Library Version: 32-bit

Build Date: May 14, 2014
Emulation: CUA

Eclipse:  3.9.2.v20131004-0923
JDT:  3.9.1.v20140221-1700

OS: Windows Vista
OS Version: 6.00.6002  Service Pack 2
Memory: 44% Load, 1772MB/3966MB Physical, 1810MB/8179MB Page File, 1057MB/2047MB Virtual
Shell Info: C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe /q
Screen Size: 1920 x 1080

Installation Directory: C:\eclipse\plugins\\slickedit\ (non-removable drive,NTFS,46036MB free)
Configuration Directory: C:\Users\ken\Documents\My SlickEdit Core Config\4.3.0\ (non-removable drive,NTFS,46036MB free)