Author Topic: B4, Backup History, enough versions  (Read 2484 times)


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B4, Backup History, enough versions
« on: September 12, 2014, 07:28:36 PM »
OK, so I'm really confused about what Slick is trying to do.
I noticed that the file "keychart.html" was listed in the "Other" section.
(This is the file I mentioned in my other posts where Slick was complaining about not enough versions).

So I opened the file, made some changes and saved it again.

#1: Now it is listed twice in the "Other" section - two identical lines in that treeview - nothing to distinguish one from the next.
Slick should either compress them onto a single line and say "2 versions", or it should tell me something about each one - like the date/time, version number, etc.

#2: I checked both instances of this file in the bottom tree view and clicked "Diff".
Slick now complains:

The following files do not have enough versions for the selected date.


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Even more wierdness:
In "Older" "keychart.html" is listed at the first line in the top list.
Presumably, it also shows up someplace farther down in the same list.

If I select this first line, then I check "keychart.html" in the bottom tree, and click "Diff", then Slick does a diff as expected.
If, I select the 2nd line in the top list, [size=78%], then I check "keychart.html" in the bottom tree, and click "Diff", then Slick gives the following error[/size]

The following files do not have enough versions for the selected date.


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