Author Topic: B5: find in files forces window switch (win7x64)  (Read 2056 times)


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B5: find in files forces window switch (win7x64)
« on: September 19, 2014, 06:09:00 PM »
I've got a hidden and docked search tool window and SE is maximized in the view.

I was doing a search for a particular tag over several hundred files so I did CTRL-SHIFT-F and entered the tag in the dialog box and hit enter and let the search start.  I saw the search window pop up to show the results and I then switched to my browser to surf the net switched to another program to do some other work.

When the search results completed, Slickedit forced itself back to the foreground.

Bonus points question:  Regardless if I stay on SE or leave, the search results will hide themselves again as soon as the search completes forcing me to re-view the search window.  I believe this happens when doing a project build too.  In both cases the view is hidden to begin with, pops up during the action, then hides itself again once it's completed.  That's probably good behavior for some things but I think for build and search I'd prefer it stays unhidden until I click elsewhere.  (It's kinda funny that SE forces itself back to the foreground as if it's excited to show me the search results... then promptly hides them... it's like my dog!  :) )