Author Topic: active project in workspace is not remembered  (Read 2462 times)


  • Senior Community Member
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active project in workspace is not remembered
« on: September 28, 2014, 04:42:01 PM »
I just realized I created the thread outside the beta forum:,10514.0.html

Here is a copy of my last message, where I show how to reproduce the issue:

I found a way to reproduce this issue with default SlickEdit configuration.

I think I see this issue because my workspace and projects are in different directories.

I've attached to this message a .zip file with the .vpw and .vpj files in a directory structure that mirrors my directory structure.

Here are the instructions to reproduce the issue:

1) Unzip the attachment to the root of your c:\ drive to minic the directory structure. After unzipping, you should have directories c:\sync and c:\User
2) Next, open the workspace in c:\User\rbresali\slickproj\rbresali_l1misc_dev2.vpj
3) Now change the active project to a different one
4) Close the workspace
5) Reopen the workspace and observe the active project is not preserved

When I have the .vpw and all the .vpj in the same directory, I don't see the issue. But when I have them in different directories mirroring my directory structure, the issue occures.
