Author Topic: B6: Selected radio buttons and check boxes difficult to see under Yosemite  (Read 2427 times)


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The best way to describe what I am seeing is to review the attached screen shots.

SelectedSlickEditCheckboxWithFocus.png shows what a selected checkbox looks like inside SlickEdit's preferences when the preferences window has the input focus.

SelectedSlickEditCheckboxWithoutFocus.png shows what a selected checkbox looks like inside SlickEdit's preferences when the preferences window does not have the input focus. It is rather difficult to see the check. To see this, open preferences, go to Fonts under Appearance and then, alt-tab to another running application. When I did this the first time, I thought SlickEdit had turned off selected radio buttons and check boxes.

For comparison purposes, SelectedSafariCheckboxWithoutFocus.png shows a selected checkbox inside Safari's preferences when that preferences window does not have the input focus. Notice that the check is clearly visible.

This is impacting checkboxes and radio buttons inside beta 6.


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Thanks for posting this.

I've been running on Yosemite for a while and never noticed this. At first I didn't understand that you meant by focus. You mean when the dialog isn't active. I never noticed this.

It looks like the Qt folks are working on a fix for this (looked like it was fixed already but Qt 4.8.7 is not available yet). Unfortunately, it's unlikely this will be fixed before the final release. This will have to be fixed in a minor update.