Author Topic: Getting "Unknown command" error when loading module in linux  (Read 5728 times)


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Getting "Unknown command" error when loading module in linux
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:28:19 PM »
I'm trying to load a module file my_macros.e file in SlickEdit 18.0.1 on linux (ubuntu 12.04) using the "Macro | Load Module" menu item.  When I do this I get the error message "Unable to make '.../.slickedit/18.0.1/my_macros.e'. Unknown command."

More info:
-- The my_macros.e module loads properly on *Windows* SlickEdit 18.0.1.
-- I've tried paring down the my_macros.e file to have only the line "#include """, and still get the error.
-- I set VSLICKPATH and VSLICKINCLUDE to have the bin and macro directories.  (I don't think this should be necessary.)
-- SlickEdit is installed in the default location.
-- It is an up-to-date, licensed version.
-- If I run a completely new install, with a brand-new ~/.slickedit/18.0.1 config directory, I get the same error.
-- I've tried running with sudo.
-- I get the same error when trying to load the minimal file using SlickEdit 14 for linux.
-- At some point in the past when I used version 14, I was able to load macros.  I don't know why it is now failing.
-- I've searched for "slickedit unknown command" on the web, and for "unknown command" in these forums, and though I've seen some information, none matched my problem.

Any help? Thanks!


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Re: Getting "Unknown command" error when loading module in linux
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2015, 12:41:59 PM »
Are you able to load hotfixes or record and save a macro?
Can you load vusrmacs.e in your configuration folder?

You could try this - probably won't help though... 
In a source file enter the following line
Then left click in the margin on that the line so that the entire line gets selected
On the slick cmd line type in execute-selection <enter>
The text "copy_to_clipboard" should get copied to the clipboard because the command gets executed.

So now enter the following text on a line by itself and click in the margin to select the line
load rubbish
Then type execute-selection on the slick cmd line.
A dialog should pop up saying "module rubbish not found".  If it doesn't then slick is probably not managing to run the slick c compiler.

On Windows, the slick c translator is called vst.exe.  If you have one of these in your Linux slickedit installation folder, try running it from a shell with no arguments.


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Re: Getting "Unknown command" error when loading module in linux
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2015, 08:29:56 PM »
Success!  The key was trying to manually run vst.  Somehow vstw (which vst is symbolically linked to) didn't have execute permissions.  Now it does, and editing and loading macros is working again.

Thanks for the help!