Archived Beta Discussions > SlickEdit® Core for Eclipse
SlickEdit Core for Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio
I just downloaded a trial of SlickEdit Core v4.3.2 for Eclipse and installed it without any issue in Eclipse Luna 4.4.1.
Ultimately though I would like be able to use it in Silicon Labs Simplicity Studio ( which is based on Eclipse 3.8.1 per below. Is this a supported platform, and if so, do I install the latest Core release as I did for Luna or do I need to locate an older version of Core for Simplicity Studio?
--- Code: ---*** Features: ( "Simplicity Studio Base Product"
org.eclipse.emf.ecore (2.8.3.v20130125-0546) "EMF Ecore" (1.4.1.v20120912-145617-8R7xFOXFLWUl7PpMEeZNIGkb4) "Help System Base"
org.eclipse.platform (3.8.1.v20130118-180812-9jF7oIBFG8eU2pim-VbIlTuQjY0RWWK3x-bv4I) "Eclipse Platform"
org.eclipse.rcp (3.8.2.v20130118-180157-96BuGOZFxwOAeG8Ofmqicz0tPK) "Eclipse RCP"
--- End code ---
The previous version 3.7 Core for Indigo is still available using the update site:
That one should work, but I haven't tested it against that particular branded Eclipse package.
Hi Lee,
Thanks, the SlickEdit Core Indigo does work, thanks! One thing I noticed is that .c/.h files in pre-existing projects don't automatically open in SlickEdit when clicked, although I can right click on the open file and choose "Switch to SlickEdit." For projects created after installing SlickEdit Core, the .c/.h files do open by default in SlickEdit.
Is there any point in attempting to install the latest SlickEdit Core (Kepler version) to the older Simplicity/Eclipse IDE (e.g., to pickup new features and bug fixes) or is that most certainly not going to work?
Thanks again,
It is not technically supported, but I can't think of any specific dependencies that are 4.3 only. It may work fine for you, but your mileage may vary.
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