In SE 64-bit Win 7
I'm seeing the following strangeness doing Spellchecking of Strings and Comments in Perl:
Spell checking for the following line SE generates a dialogue about "data" being a "Repeated Word" without a chance to "Ignore All" so you have to hit "Ignore" button several times for this one line.
# iff (data1010 || data1014 || data1018 || data101C || data1020 || data1024 || data1028)
Spell checking the following line SE complains about the second "n" in the string? And no option to "Ignore All" which would have been helpful since the file had a lot of these.
print "\n\n\n"
Spell checking the following line SE complains about "AC". Probably not fixable but curious.
# data10AC
Spell checking the following line SE complains about "FFFF". Might be nice if SE would recognize the hex nomenclature.
# 0xFFFF