Author Topic: RC-4 re-sizing Beautify format editor window doesn't work.  (Read 3070 times)


  • Senior Community Member
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  • -Tim
RC-4 re-sizing Beautify format editor window doesn't work.
« on: October 30, 2015, 08:36:41 PM »
Linux (RHEL6.7): Pick a language, open the formatting options for that language, and edit one of the profiles. Re-sizing the resultant window will change the boarder, but not the contents. The preview frame stays the same, the hierarchy window of options stays the same, etc. This makes it tough to preview format changes on real files instead of the default snippets.

Mac (10.9.5): Same process, but the window can't be re-sized at all.

Having the preview frame able to load real files is great, but it really needs to be re-sizeable to be useable.
