Author Topic: filter_selection vs. filter_command  (Read 5396 times)


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filter_selection vs. filter_command
« on: December 21, 2015, 02:40:23 PM »
Hi folks.  Still using SlickEdit 18.  I wasted a bit of time trying to debug a command which called filter_selection, and finally noticed in the debugger that the "Filter Selection" menu option in SlickEdit actually calls filter_command, not filter_selection. The comment for both functions is the same and neither calls the other.  Judging by the problems I had, I suspect filter_selection works only with filters that are themselves SlickEdit macro language functions, while filter_command can deal with external commands (in fact maybe ONLY external commands).  But that's not what the comment says on filter_selection...  So just wondering if this is all just lagging comments, or whether I'm misunderstanding the right places to use them.