When I run the following command I am losing the first 3 spaces I am intentionally adding for indentation. I'm thinking filter_command is doing more than just printing out the result of my selection. I want the 3 spaces I added before the first column!
Also I want to change this command to execute on whatever is on my clipboard instead of a selection, is there a way to get an equivalent of it, running "gawk '{ print " "$1 }'" on each line of text on the clipboard?
_command void get_first_col() {
if (_select_type() == "") {
} else if (_select_type() != "LINE" && _select_type() != "BLOCK") {
// Convert it into a LINE selection
_select_type('', 'T', 'LINE');
_str out = filter_command("gawk '{ print " "$1 }'");
To run this macro, copy paste a tab sepparated table, select it on SlickEdit, and execute the command. It should cut out the first column.