Author Topic: Java editing, SQL, Perl beautifier, Refactoring  (Read 3810 times)


  • Senior Community Member
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Java editing, SQL, Perl beautifier, Refactoring
« on: July 02, 2009, 02:47:12 PM »
1) Work on speeding up core "bread-and-butter" editing operations, for example:
1a) Java editing remains sluggish in v14, a bit like the dialogs in one of those badly dubbed Japanese movies. I've done all the performance tweaking, cranking and fiddling recommended by SE but still end up waiting for the editor to catch up with my typing or to finish its code completion and tag lookup work.
1b) If your project contains sql files, take a long lunch break while SE builds the tag files.

2) Can SE finally take a stab at a Perl beautifier? It's a difficult language and it will likely take many iterations to have a workable solution, but there are enough users to help with this.

3) I wouldn't mind seeing the return of some subset of the refactoring solutions yanked awhile ago. Things like renaming Java packages, moving and renaming classes, generating embedded classes, etc would be helpful.
