Two more things.
1. Allow workspace closure with untitled files. Restore them later.
I often create temporary files. These are temporary buffers that I open and close for various reasons. I don't need them for the long run and they should never be saved and become part of the project.Yet I have to save them if I want to open different workspace. It would be really nice to be able to switch a workspace without saving all those "Untitled" and get them back when reopening the workspace. On the other hand, this should only apply to files that has never been saved. I.e. refusing to close a workspace as long as one of the project files has unsaved changes in it, is ok.
2. Improve two or more instances of SE.
Today it is possible to open two or more instances of SE with +new command line argument. But when you close one of the instances, it complains about being unable to save configuration. It would be nice and useful if it would not complain. Taking this further, it would be nice if configuration changes in one instance would affect second instance.