Author Topic: In Font dialog show sample in both current font and new font  (Read 1819 times)


  • Senior Community Member
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In Font dialog show sample in both current font and new font
« on: August 25, 2015, 04:40:34 PM »
I was just fiddling with the Fonts page of the monstrous Options dialog of SlickEdit Pro 2014 (v19.0.2.5 64-bit, Windows 7 x64), trying to find UI fonts that were a little larger on my 1920x1080  15.6" (diagonal) screen. I've settled for the moment on changing to Microsoft Segoe UI for "Dialog" (10 pt.), "Parameter Information" (9 pt.), and "Document Tabs" (9 pt.), while using Bitstream Vera Sans/Sans Mono (9 pt.) for other text display categories (while leaving staus display line, etc., unchanged).

So much for the context for my suggested small font selection UI enhancement: in the "Sample" part of the Fonts dialog sheet, there's plenty of space to include the sample text in the current font as well as the new font. Furthermore, the names of the current and new font could be displayed above the font sample (they and the samples would be changed on the dialog sheet only if the user hit the apply button).