Automatic generation (and actualization) of function/member (doxygen compatible) C/C++ comments. Should parse code and fill in:
function parameters - distinguish input and output variables, prepending out (or something user defined) to variable name, even if they are in function parameters.
used global(or instance) variables (also distinguish which were used for read and write) and global or external functions (optional).
errors - in case of throws / (return enums?).
function name, remarks, todos, comments, notes and so on - keywords, programmer can append own text.
Would be nice if format of comments could be specified as serie of tags (ie like printf).
Also add/modify file header - one template for all files in project, specifying Name, email, license, os, version, last revision, desription, notes, and so on.
Main purpose of this is to ease commenting code - programmer just fill in descriptions and that is. Another use is for better readability of uncommented legacy code.