Graeme: Thank you, that was just the pointer I needed.
Note to whoever at SlickEdit is updating the documentation:
1) When you look up "Hash Tables" in the help index, the pointer currently goes to the wrong place on that help page (the bottom of the page), and you have to scroll up a bit to find the Hash Tables entry.
2) The entry on hash tables is all of just two lines of text and one syntax example! Please, lots more here to show how to use them - they are a far too useful and powerful feature to miss using due to not being able to find out how. At the very least, there must be cross-references to these:
_el, _deleteel, _nextel, _makeempty, _isempty, _varformat, _indexin, _sort
3) Similarly, the entry on the same page for Arrays needs to cross-reference the above also (and any other relevant ones).