Author Topic: [SOLVED] Mouseover tooltip color is an unreadable white on yellow  (Read 6165 times)


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[Linux, Ubuntu-MATE 16.04, SlickEdit 2016 Trial]

Hello everyone,
The mouseover tooltips across all types of application controls are being displayed with white text on an yellow background, rendering them unreadable. Only the editor window itself seems to be displaying tooltips in a readable format.

I can't seem to find a way to change tooltips colors. Can I solve this problem?
« Last Edit: October 25, 2016, 05:36:38 PM by marfig »


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Re: Mouseover tooltip color is an unreadable white on yellow
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2016, 11:46:08 AM »
It does not seem that my desktop theme is the one affecting this. I have changed it to other themes (many of which being light themes with dark on light tooltips) and I still get white text over yellow background on the tooltips after I restart SlickEdit.

Not there being any option that I can find on the application Options dialog, is this being controlled by some configuration file that I can change? The tooltips would be an helpful guide through my early stages of learning the IDE.


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Re: Mouseover tooltip color is an unreadable white on yellow
« Reply #2 on: October 25, 2016, 01:55:20 PM »
We should be getting that color from the theme.  We don't have any settings for overriding the tooltip colors Qt gets from the system theme.

I suspect this is related to the problem detailed at   But I can't prove it, I have not reproduced it here with MATE. 

It looks like heart of the workaround is to set the tooltip color explicitly via the "Tune Palette" dialog after selecting the theme.  There's a linked video that shows all of the steps. Give that a shot and see if that fixes it for you.


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Re: Mouseover tooltip color is an unreadable white on yellow
« Reply #3 on: October 25, 2016, 05:19:24 PM »

That was excellent advise. Thank you. It solved my problem entirely. qtconfig revealed in fact that white text on yellow was the default setting. As soon as I changed the text to black, the problem was solved. Thank you for having dug this gem. I would probably have never found it.

For future reference (in case the video ever disappears):
1. install qtconfig package if not installed already.
2. run qtconfig from the terminal
3. on the Appearance tab, make sure the GUI Style is the correct one for your DE. On my case (Ubuntu-MATE) that's GTK+
4. click the Tune Pallete button
5. under the Central Color listbox, select ToolTipBase and ToolTipText and check their defined colors. Change to the appropriate color. On my case ToolTipText was white and ToolTipBase was yellow. Which was no good. I changed ToolTipText to black.


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Re: [SOLVED] Mouseover tooltip color is an unreadable white on yellow
« Reply #4 on: October 26, 2016, 09:21:41 PM »
Fixed it for me too! marfig, thanks for the concise steps.