Author Topic: Codewarrior project support  (Read 1527 times)


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Codewarrior project support
« on: December 16, 2011, 04:11:11 AM »
I'd love to see the ability to create an SE project from a CodeWarrior project (.mcp), similar to what can be done with a Visual Studio solution.  This would include reading the .mcp file and populating the .vpw/.vpj project with the appropriate files as well as filling in the Project build commands.

CodeWarrior integration has been asked for several times on the forum (though not as much as I would have expected).

I work with many projects using Freescale processors that must be built using CodeWarrior.  I've never been able to figure out the right command line(s) to put in the SE Project Properties>Tools options so I can do a build.  This, of course, is mostly due to the dismal CodeWarrior documentation.

I also have to manually create the SE project and add the files.  This means I also have to maintain the CodeWarrior and SE projects separately (e.g, if I add a file to the project I have to do it in both).

There have been several forum posts related to this and, surprisingly, little response from users or from SlickTeam (ScottW did respond to some, but mostly suggesting setting up the command line -- but I mentioned the issues with that above).

What really surprises me is the lack of clamor for this from users.  I'm also surprised that no user has figured out the right command line setup.  CodeWarrior is so dismal for editing and code navigation that I'm surprised that more users aren't using alternatives like SE.



  • Senior Community Member
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Re: Codewarrior project support
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2012, 06:10:14 AM »
I would like to see the ability to import a CodeWarrior project to create an SE project (similar to opening a Visual Studio solution).  I realize there are dozens of different varieties of CodeWarrior target options, but if it were possible to just extract the project file list and a simple command line call to do the CodeWarrior build into an SE project (and do the build from within SE) it would be great.  Perhaps the CW project file (.mcp) format is understood by someone out there?  Why they are still using a binary file for the project file, I don't know.

I've tried to create this myself several times using the command line (Project, Project Properties, Tools Build) and the horrible CodeWarrior documentation, but never even came close to success.  I've done this successfully for several other 3rd party compilers (e.g., MetaWare).

If SE supported this, or if anyone in the community has made this work, it would be great.