Author Topic: Wishlist  (Read 1858 times)


  • Senior Community Member
  • Posts: 127
  • Hero Points: 8
« on: September 28, 2013, 10:45:37 PM »
  • "add identifier under cursor to language->color coding->tokens quickly"
  • copy/paste file between projects in project tree
  • more hotkeys in project tree - move folder up|down, insert folder, edit folder properties, activate project
  • allow folders with same name in project tree,  aaa\same != bbb\same
  • allow project to be disabled in project tree
  • an api to address every option setting
  • better javascript tagging support - very unpredictable in the defs view
  • offer way of individually disabling, tagging, and basically 'group manage' aliases
  • make a version of expand_alias that takes a parameters object, useful for templating
  • make expand_alias (and aliases) smarter, let it seek backward from cursor till it gets an alias, that way we can define circular aliases i.e. borderLeft->borderRight->borderTop->borderBottom would all rely on the Left|Right|Top|Bottom alias circle. Current alias recognition is delimited at non-alphanumerics, which is no good either. Just offer an alternate 'greedy' alias mechanism
  • linting support
  • multi-key hotkey preview - what am I allowed to press next?
  • info-tip on current file, se backup versions, file stats, vcs info
  • smart-extend-selection, nothing selected->select word->select args->select code block->select outer blocks->select fn->select class->select namespace
  • "tooltip jumping" - <prefix-key><anykey> will throw up a bunch of tooltips at all locations of <anykey> character visible in the view, then press the tooltip letter shown to jump to that place in code. if <anykey> is a-zA-Z then only identifiers that have that character on a word boundary or subword boundary get a tooltip.
  • structural breadcrumb toolwindow based on indentation or code structure
  • automated (date-based) backup system for vslick.sta
  • jira and other issue management integration
  • user-defined-tags toolwindow, takes many regex to identify texts in project, each tag can be assigned icons and color for the ui
  • "structured multi-file navigation" - toolwindow that has a tree of filenames (no folders) where the user structures the tree to establish parent-child relationships amongst files. Files can appear more than once in the tree, that way you can express having multiple parents. Then hotkeys to open a parent|child|sibling of the current file; selection box is offered if more than one file meets criteria. Two flavors of these navigation keys: one is restricted to open buffers. An additional modifier will close the current buffer, useful when traversing the tree. I currently have a crude version of this implemented and use INS,SPACE,BACKSPACE to edit a buffers "twin" (.h|.e), and INS,SPACE,ARROWKEY to navigate the tree allowing only open bufs, INS,SPACE,ALT-ARROW to open if not open, and CTRL-(ALT)-ARROW to close current.
  • put a user-defined tags and filtering system on the hotkeys ui