Author Topic: Scroll current line into view when auto-hidden tool window comes up  (Read 1750 times)


  • Senior Community Member
  • Posts: 331
  • Hero Points: 10
Minor annoyance - I have my build/message windows docked to the bottom of the screen and set to auto-hide.  If I double click on the line to bring it up in the editor to see it in context, 99.999995% of the time that section of code will be underneath the popped up window!  (Maybe 99.9995%... I might be exaggerating...   ;D ).

The quirk seems to be that SE will open the file and "scroll down" to the line in question which will put it at the bottom of the screen - Which just so happens to be obscured by the pop-up...

It'd be nice if SE could be smart about this and adjust the text position accordingly (especially with all windows being "full screen" now... I didn't have this problem as much with the old MDI layout (cough, cough) )