Author Topic: Ability to preview files from Project/Open/Files tool window  (Read 1879 times)


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Ability to preview files from Project/Open/Files tool window
« on: October 04, 2014, 01:42:32 PM »
As a loyal user of SE over the years - I have many, many small test files in SE

Almost all are NOT in an SE project or workspace - and I often need to review a
directory - of small test files quickly (see attached). 

In Windows Explorer (the OS Shell) - you can preview *.txt files (see attached).

It would be great to have a *.e file previewer for SE code files - so I can
quickly review code that I haven't touched in months or years.  This saves a lot
of programming time by finding the file that I need quickly - opening it - and
getting the code I need ASAP. 

Slickedit is a stellar product - due to feature extension via user *.e files. 
This product feature would help the Slickedit community - to walk through small
code examples and test cases quickly - by just using the up/down cursor keys -
in the Windows Explorer.