I was away for much of v26, basically all of v27 and the beginning of v28, so apparently missed it, sorry, but really glad to hear it.
I'm trying to understand what the different "Outline" options actually indicate. For example, does "statements" include lines between all matching blocks in C/C++? I looked at the help docs, but they provided little additional detail in this regard. Is there a table anywhere which shows what the different "outline" settings provide and don't provide?
That said, I'm not a huge fan of "modes" for this, as Outline uses now. I would much prefer selecting which receive and which do not (which are lines vs background coloring, which can receive highlighting when cursor/ptr are in their "region", and which always remain dim regardless).
I tend to believe modes always suffer from "a few sizes fit none", and wind up internally table-driven anyway. Might as well save effort and expose the attributes table in the UX from the start, and just offer presets equivalent to the modes (but also allow users to define their own presets) -- all per-language ideally.
If SE can get that far, I'll even hold off for two versions before asking for "rainbow sequence assignments" for categories.