I suggest a solution for the following issue:
Usually in a project (and/or workspace) you have a lot of source files, which often are organized in subfolders (e.g. Controls, OwnLists, Printing...). Very often you have to open a special file, and for doing this you can
- use the Projects window: Problem: you always have to expand/collapse branches for the subfolders. The +/- buttons in the tree list are very small and you have to concentrate for positioning the mouse. Yes, that's a problem: you are already concentrated on your work, and every distraction sucks.
- use the files window: That's welcome, but there you only see your already open files.
Great would be a window, where all your project / workspace source files are listed in rows and columns (kind of grid). Switching between
a) grouped alphabetically within subfolders and
b) alphabetically showing all files regardless of subfolders
Of course this window should be sizable, position and size are reminded and it should be possible to position this window on a second screen. Also, selecting (and opening) should be possible using a) the mouse and b) the keyboard.
Maybe you could enhance the files window for that.