Author Topic: Ability to clean up drop-down pollution in the "Add Tree" dialog with the Delete key.  (Read 2272 times)


  • Senior Community Member
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Ability to clean up drop-down pollution in the "Add Tree" dialog with the Delete key.

In the attachment, you will see that I had a series of file types for Texas Instrument projects. Then, I realized that I wasn't getting all the files I needed so I added some file types. This created a new entry which is the one that I need for all TI projects. However, I am stuck with an entry that I will never use again.



  • Senior Community Member
  • Posts: 501
  • Hero Points: 17
It occurred to me that my delete entry in the "Add Tree" suggestion in the previous post would allow people to delete the default entries. If someone never works on java for example, that might be OK; Intended even. But, if it was done by accident, it would be useful to have a "Reset Defaults" button there that would repopulate all of the default entries while preserving the user's custom entries.
