Author Topic: SlickC debugger?  (Read 5050 times)


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SlickC debugger?
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:02:45 PM »
Anyone have good tips / tricks for making the SlickC debugger work better?
Its always seemed a bit flakey, but this weekend I was working on some macros and I could hardly get the SlickC debugger to work at all.

I have my macro file loaded, then I start the SlickC debugger, set some breakpoints.
Back in the 1st instance of Slick I would invoke the macros, and the debugger hit the break points the first time.

That success was very elusive, as I wasn't able to get it to hit the breakpoints again.
Restarting slick didn't help, nor did starting with a empty configuration

In the failed attempts, the debugger only had the effect of suppressing  SlickC stack errors.
I had break points set before the errors would occur in the code, but the debugger wouldn't stop at the break points, though the SlickC stacks didn't show up either.


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Re: SlickC debugger?
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2017, 03:57:15 PM »
I discovered one of the problems ... Slick uses port 8003 for debugging.
I used TcpView to see what sockets are around.

I found that there was a socket listening on 8003 - but it wasn't owned by a process.

I don't know of anything other than Slick that uses port 8003, so maybe a previous instance of Slick somehow created this zombie socket.
I didn't think it was possible to leave a socket allocated after a process exited, but that's what appeared to be the case.

A reboot cleared up this particular problem.