Author Topic: Issue with adding indenting with new "if" in python  (Read 2328 times)


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Issue with adding indenting with new "if" in python
« on: January 21, 2017, 02:56:29 PM »

I uploaded a file called "" to under "python_new_indenting_issue".

Go to line 74 and put the cursor at the end of the line (after the 1 in "next_id = 1"), and press <ENTER>.

Then type "if" and then <space bar>.

Now the down arrow can be used to indent the code below to put it inside the "if". Once line 82 is put inside the "if", I try to hit to down arrow one more time to also put line 83 inside the if as well, but it is not working, line 83 ("current_dict[cell_id]= value")  cannot be placed inside of the "if" even though I should be able to do it. Screenshot attached.

Thanks for taking a look!