Author Topic: Setting error markers for custom build command  (Read 4806 times)


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Setting error markers for custom build command
« on: September 08, 2017, 06:42:47 AM »
Hi all,

How do I get SlickEdit to automatically set the error markers in my source code after running a process command?

I have a large project that is mostly Java, and I'm trying to create a macro that will invoke my custom build batch (or script) file.  What I have so far seems to be close:

Code: [Select]
#include ""

_command void my_custom_build()

   start_process( false, false, true, true );



   _str command = "myCompileCommand";

   message( command );

   concur_command( command, false, true, false, true );

The macro runs without error.  It clears the error markers, then runs my command.  The output appears in the process buffer just fine.  Once the macro is finished, I can march through my error messages just fine with next_error() and previous_error().

However, there are no error markers in my source code when it is done.  How can I make it do that?

BTW, the output to the process buffer is Ant output with Java error messages.



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Re: Setting error markers for custom build command
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2017, 12:45:35 PM »
The set-error-markers command should make it scan the process buffer for errors.  Try adding a call to that after the build finishes.