Archived Beta Discussions > SlickEdit 2018 v23 Beta Discussion

SlickEdit 2018 (v23) RC 3 is now available for download


SlickEdit 2018 (v23) RC3 is now available for download. Please post beta issues in this beta forum.
The beta is available to all SlickEdit customers.
To download the beta, visit your Registered Products page.

Changes in RC3

* Fix for SmartPaste and Tab key indenting for Google Protocol Buffers
* Fix for Scala debugging issue
* Fix for Windows Explorer file icon issue
* Fix for diff options dialog sizing issue
* Fix for Symbol diff issue where copying lines for left to right didn't work
* Fix for append_to_clipboard incorrectly adding newlines between appended clipboards (def_append_clipboard_adds_newline)
* Not all fixes/changes have been listed.Changes in RC2

* Fix for minihtml controls not getting the font size right.
* Fix for double clicking on Options dialog "Search Results" item.
* Fix for setting Advanced File Type mappings on macOS.
* Fix so paren and bracket operations like di< don't get confused in quoted strings or comments. Also tweak for new vim quoted string support.
* Fix for Beautify While Typing during syntax expansion in preprocessing.
* Fix for error occuring when trying to edit a menu.
* Fix for a scroll bars flickering on/off.
* Not all fixes/changes have been listed.
Changes in RC1

* Added VIM support for di", da",  di', da', di`, and da` as well as other quoted string operations.
* Added VIM support for di<, da> as well as other angle bracket features.
* Fixes for a few source diff bugs.
* Fix for diff not correctly detecting changes if one file is longer than the other.
* Fix for building Visual Studio projects.
* Fix for a number of Open tool window context menu operations that would fail if you added more columns than just the Name and Path columns.
* Not all fixes/changes have been listed.Changes in Beta 6

* Fixes for importing font settings.
* Fix for load_named_state command. Needed to close files first.
* Fix so Show minimap langauge settings gets exported/imported.
* Fix Python context tagging bug with package names, which in turn fixed a problem with Python function argument help for function calls outside of a function scope.
* Fix for handling OUTLINE_HIDE items correctly in the Current Context toolbar.
* Fix for Slick-C _time('L') returning AM for noon instead of PM.
* Fix for multi-file diff crash.
* Fix slick-c stack when closing diff, especially launched from multi-file diff.
* Not all fixes/changes have been listed.
Changes in Beta 5

* DIFFzilla copies buffer text so undo works after using diff on an edit buffer.
* This is experimental. Switch/case sampling. When a sample case statement exists for the current switch statement, the same case statement indenting will be used for the rest of the switch statement. Beautify while typing does not support this feature. Supports a number of languages: C++, C#, Object-C, Java, PHP, and JavaScript.
* Added command to do a push-tag with the option to filter out non-matching function overloads temporarily enabled. Make this command work with cycling through multiple matches.
* Shift+click in the References tool window stack X button will clear the entire stack.
* Enhancements to named auto-restore commands
* Commands save_named_files/load_named_files. Writes to windowstate.slk and restores files only.
* Commands save_named_layout/load_named_layout. Writes to layoutstate.ini and restores tool windows and tool bars.
* Commands save_named_state/load_named_state. Writes to state.ini and restores everything (files, tool windows, toolbars). Anyone
        who previously used saved_named_state/load_named_state will need to use save_named_files/load_named_files instead.   
* Fixes for correctly indenting C++ compound literals.
* Fixes for setting focus and raising window when transfer control to another instance of SlickEdit. This fix only seems to work the first time for GNOME.
* Fixes for new exclude Binary Files feature. Caused file count and/or search output to be incorrect.
* Fix for input method editor so foreign language characters (like German characters) can be entered.
* Fix for correct line endings to all CRLF.
* Fix for switchbuf cd supporting container files like .zip files. Removed debug say message.
* Fix for minimap displaying prefix bitmaps which overlay text.
* Fix for ascii table coming up in hex mode.
* Fix for potential diff crash.
* Fix for backup history no getting generated correctly.
* Vim emulation fix so select-line, select-char, and select-block don't get deselected when you move the cursor.
* Added support for "async def" python functions.
* Fix for adaptive formatting discontinuing sampling too soon.
* Fix for a switchbuf and change current directory bug where the current directory wouldn't be synced with the current buffer.
* Fix for find in files suspending the SlickEdit process on Unix and macOS when it shouln't have been.
* Not all fixes/changes have been listed.Changes in Beta 4

* Added "Anti-aliasing for Current Font Size" to minimap context menu.
* Fix for closing minimap tooltip when switching buffers (not windows) when the second buffers has the minimap turned off.
* Fix so that "edit" can support directories that have .gz or .Z extension but are just regular directories. Problem occurred only when gzip not found.
* Fix for backup history/diff bug where backup history could be incorrectly generated.
* Fix for diff issue handling a 0 byte file with a non-zero byte file.
* Fix so changing anti-aliasing options update immediately.
* Fix for color blending problem where "Highlight matching symbols under cursor" wouldn't use the selection background.
* Fix so selection doesn't change due to Minimap being displayed.
* Fix for def_emulate_leading_tabs option which got broken.Changes in Beta 3

* Better smart enter support for nested unbraced control flow blocks for C++, C#, Java, Object-C, Rust, and D.
* Added support for C++17.
* Added support for "Leaved selected" search option to Vim emulation. Supports '/' command and some others.
* Fix gzip support not handling filenames with spaces in them.
* Removed very poor embedded color coding for "__asm__(". Looks much better without it.
* Fix so the project Clang++ wizard uses clang++ and not clang when C++ is selected.
* Fix for auto-restore being written incorrectly which would cause auto-restore not to fully work.
* Fix for minihtml control font size problem. Font was seen as too small but could also potentially be too large.
* Fix for new diff engine bug where mimatched lines under certain cirumstances weren't being colorered.
* Fix for empty selections columns not being adjusted when text is inserted. This caused a bug when using multiple cursors with empty selections and then typing a double quote
* Fix for percent options in the project run from directory specification not being replaced when starting the Python debugger.
* Fix doc comment expansion to work with typedef.
* Fix for some bugs in update-doc-comment comment generation for targets other than javaDoc.
* Fix for crash when dragging the minimap slider. Only happens with small file under odd circumstance.
* Better support for smart editing keys in embedded code in Markdown.
* Fix for smart Enter key (Kotlin/R/Scala/Groovy) indenting not working if statement ends with function call.
* Fix for R not support syntax indent option or insert begin/end immediately.
* Not all fixes/changes have been listed.Changes in Beta 2

* Improved CUA selection support for Vim emulation. When a selection is created using a non-Vim way, auto-deselect when it makes sense (cursor movement etc.) while also allowing visual mode operations on the selection.
* Better granularity when dragging the minimap scrollbar.
* New gradle build support for Java. New Java project template has been added for creating a Java project which builds using gradle.
* New Java project template has been added for creating a Java project which builds using gradle.
* Added support for Python 3.7. New keywords and debugging support.
* Improved support for Markdown color coding. Added embedded color coding support for ```{R options} and ```Language.
* Unknown files which appear to contain binary data use the "Binary" language mode.
* New Default Excludes option and ability to excluding files which appear to have binary contents when multi-file searching.
        The Excludes combo box list now allows you to choose <Default Excludes> or <Binary Files>.
        When <Binary Files> is chosen (or <Default Excludes> which contains <Binary Files> by default), files that appear to have
        binary data are excluded from the search. This is useful when searching files with a * or *.* wildcard.
        For example, search Unix shell scripts with no file extensions while excluding executables.
* Increased limit for hex view number of columns and bytes per column.
* hex command now supports optional number of columns and bytes per column specifications (i.e. hex [NofCols [BytesPerCol]]). Auto-restore will restore these new settings.
* New checking for inconsistent line endings feature. Supports making the line endings consistent. You can turn it off and use the check_line_endings command Edit>Other>Check Line Endings when you want to check the current file.
* Fixes and enhancments for Gradle support.
* Fixes for hex view scrolling problems.
* Fix for unloading a macro causing a Slick-C stack.
* After a new language is added, open buffers that use the newly defined file extensions will be set to the new language.
* Fix for backup history only applying maximum size to backup to save size and not the original file size.
* Auto reload now applies large file settings (i.e undo gets turned off if reload really large file etc.).
* Fix for issue with importing/exporting fonts. "Parameter Information" and "Parameter Information Fixed" had problems.
* Fix for migrating configuration directory settings from Standard edition. Caused extra languages to be defined.
* Fix for Invocation Options help page.
* Fix for Slick-C stack which occurred when changing the View settings for All Languages.
* Fix for R smart indenting issue when press Enter at end of function call statement.
* Fix so adaptive formating does a better job picking up the indent for R.
* Slick-C stack fixes for handling of long lines.
* Fixes so changing all languages settings always update buffer settings (Show minimap wasn't being updated). Fix so Quick Start Font dialog updates buffers according to new "Show minimap" setting.
* Fix for crash which could occur when accessing a file in a zip/tar/cpio file which doesn't exist.
* Fix for not being able to click "Never reload selected" button.
* Fix where multi-file searching doesn't support color coding for files where the language was determine by something more than the file extension.
* Fixes/improvements for minimap "Move Cursor on Click" feature. Shift+Click extends selection. Click deselects when it's supposed to. Click places cursor on first non blank.
* C++ beautifier fix for preprocessing case which incorrectly determined to be a header gaurdFixes, Features, and Enhancements in SlickEdit 2018 (23.0.0)

* Language Support
* New R Language Support
* Color Coding
* Smart editing features include smart indenting, SmartPaste(TM), and reindenting on Tab
* Multi-file and single file project support
* Context Tagging(TM)       
* New Kotlin Support
* Color Coding
* Smart editing features include smart indenting, SmartPaste(TM), and reindenting on Tab
* Gradle build support       
* Java Enhancements
* Gradle build support. New project template has been added for creating a Java project which builds using gradle.
* Improve performance of namespace import handling.
* Fix context tagging for Java template parameters with one or more extends clauses
* Fix parsing of statements that are purely expressions, for example: new SomeThread().run();       
* New Google Protocol Buffers Language Support
* Color Coding
* Smart editing features include smart indenting and SmartPaste(TM).
* Context Tagging(TM)       
* Scala Enhancements
* New debugging Support
* New support for Gradle projects with multiple project
* Improved smart indenting
* Added support for insert braces immediately and dynamic surround.
* Added quick brace/unbrace support       
* Groovy Enhancements
* Now supports Gradle projects with multiple project
* Improved smart indenting
* Added quick brace/unbrace support       
* C/C++ Enhancements
* Added Context Tagging(TM) support for C++17 structured bindings.
* Fixed parsing of C++ parent class specifications when parent class is qualified with a leading ::
* Improv0ed parsing and context tagging for C++11 user-defined string literals
* Fixed parsing for C++11 universal initalizers using braces in constructor initializer lists
* Fixed parsing of C++11 template arguments when template argument name is omitted
* C++11 lambda expressions are now parsed correctly
* Improved Context Tagging and Symbol coloring for constructor initializer lists, especially C++11 delegating constructors
* Changed option to automatically process #defines within the current file to be off by default
* Added option (off by default) to pull #defines from current project configuration and use them as if they were defined in the C/C++ Preprocessing options
* Added auto-complete suggestions for C/C++ string escape sequences (backslash)
* Added auto-complete suggestions for C/C++ printf format specifiers (percent)
* C++17 support for the following:
* u8 character literal
* Hexadecimal floating point literals
* fold expressions (nothing special to do)
* template <auto>
* class template argument deduction -- not supported at this time
* constexpr if
* selection statements with initializer
* constexpr lambdas
* lambda capture of *this
* inline variables
* structured bindings
* byte type                [/ul]
* C# Enhancments
* Updated parsing to C# 6.0 Specification and fixed many Context Tagging bugs
* Enabled statement-level tagging for C#
* Anonymous functions and delegates are now parsed correctly       
* System Verilog Enhancements
* Improved support for interface modport parameter tagging
* Improved error recovery for incomplete declarations when tagging       
* Python Enhancements
* Debugger performance improved especially for deep call stacks (like recursive functions)       
* Ada Enhancements
* Improved Enter and Space smart indenting for begin/end handling.       
* Markdown
* Improved color coding. Added embedded color coding support for ```{R options} and ```Language       
* Project Support
* Support for Visual Studio 2017 .NET Core projects. View project file in Project tool window. Project templates for building with dotnet command line tool instead of msbuild   
* Appearance Enhancements
* Minimap
* Zoom In/Out support
* Configurable width. Select fixed width or percentage of total width and maximum width
* Configure click to scroll or move cursor to line
* Optionally show tooltip with lines in a larger font. Move focus into tooltip editor control by holding down Ctrl key. Can copy/paste lines from tooltip editor control.
* Optionally show modified lines.
* Optionally show vertical lines.       
* Added font ligature support on macOS.   
* Tagging
* The References tool window is now stackable, making it possible to navigate through multiple sets of referencing search results easily.
* Added option to disable preview of the symbol under the cursor in the Preview tool window.
* Added option to disable displaying comments for the symbol under the cursor in the Preview tool window.
* Added option to display evaluated return type of symbol in Preview tool window.  This is helpful for type-inferred variables.
* Added option to display evaluated return type of symbols on mouse-over.  This is helpful for type-inferred variables.
* Added option to activate the Preview Tool window when a symbol is selected in the Select Symbol dialog. Before, it would do this by default.
* The Preview tool window and the References Preview now support wfont-zoom-in/out (Ctrl +/-) and wfont-unzoom (Ctrl+0) keyboard shortcuts.
* Added new command (push_tag_filter_overloads), which behaves like push-tag, but temporarily enables the option to filter out non-matching function overloads.   
* DIFFzilla
* The diff engine has been rewritten to be faster. This provides faster backup history and diffs. Some cases are many times faster. Diff much larger files and get good performance.
* Undo information is retained after using diff on an edit buffer.   
* Debugger
* Added support for Mono Soft Debugger protocol
* Note:  The Mono project implementation of the SDB protocol is currently very young and fragile. 
                   It is easy for debugging to cause the Mono interpreter to crash. 
                   This is a problem with the Mono debugger implementation and not a problem with
                   SlickEdit's support of the protocol and/or SlickEdit's debugger integration.   
* Files
* Added support for opening files in Unix cpio files (.cpio), compressed cpio files (.cpgz), and Linux RPM files (.rpm)   
* Auto Restore Enhancements
* Option for storing tool window/toolbar/window layouts per monitor configuration. For example, if you have two machines with different numbers of monitors and/or different resolutions, the auto restore data is stored for each monitor configuration.   
* Vim Emulation Enhancements
* New option for using Vim syntax regular expressions.
* Added support for Auto deselect on cursor movement option for CUA selections. For example, creating a non-Vim-like selection with Shift+Arrow keys and then moving the cursor will deselect if the option for it is set (it's on by default).
* Added support for "Leaved selected" search option. Supports '/' command and some others.
* Added support for di", da",  di', da', di`, and da` as well as other quoted string operations.   
* Binary File Enhancements
* Unknown files which appear to contain binary data use the "Binary" language mode.   
* Find and Replace
* New Default Excludes option and ability to excluding files which appear to have binary contents when multi-file searching.
            The Excludes combo box list now allows you to choose <Default Excludes> or <Binary Files>.
            When <Binary Files> is chosen (or <Default Excludes> which contains <Binary Files> by default), files that appear to have
            binary data are excluded from the search. This is useful when searching files with a * or *.* wildcard.
            For example, search Unix shell scripts with no file extensions while excluding executables.
* The "Look in zip/word/excel files" check box now supports .tar, .gz, .Z files, .cpio, .cpgz, and .rpm files.
* "List current context" check box now supports more tag types: Class, Interface, Struct, Union, Enum, Package/Namespace, Programs.
* Improved performance using "List current context" option.
* Multi-file find or replace now supports "Advanced Filtering" options. Optionally specify a maximum file size and/or file modified time range.
* "Look in:" now supports specifying file lists.
* "Look in:" now supports specifying the files in the Search Results tool window. This can also be initiated from the new "Find in Files using Search Results" context menu item in the Search Results tool window.
* The "Filter search results" dialog now supports filtering by files in the results by using ant-like syntax to include/exclude, similar to File types/Exclude syntax from Find in Files.
* Search Results tool window context menu supports generating a file list with the new "Generated File List" menu item.   
* Comments
* JavaDoc comment alias generation now correctly supports template parameters using <typeparam>
* XMLDoc comment alias generation now correctly supports template parameters using @param <argName>
* JavaDoc and XMLDoc comment edtiors not support template parameters.
* Update Doc Commnet... now correctly supports template parameters.   
* Enhancements to named auto-restore commands
* Commands save_named_files/load_named_files. Writes to windowstate.slk and restores files only.
* Commands save_named_layout/load_named_layout. Writes to layoutstate.ini and restores tool windows and tool bars.
* Commands save_named_state/load_named_state. Writes to state.ini and restores everything (files, tool windows, toolbars). Anyone
        who previously used saved_named_state/load_named_state will need to use save_named_files/load_named_files instead.   
* General
* Line endings and encoding now displayed in status line.
* New checking for inconsistent line endings feature. Supports making the line endings consistent. You can turn it off and use the check_line_endings command Edit&gt;Other&gt;Check Line Endings when you want to check the current file.
* Hex view now supports specifying the number of columns and the number of bytes per column on a per language basis.
* New Directory Aliases
* h and home will expand to your Home directory.
* dl and downloads will expand to your Downloads directory.
* do and documents will expand to your Documents directory.
* Better smart enter support for nested unbraced control flow blocks for C++, C#, Java, Object-C, Rust, and D.
* Added experimental +sopenro invocation option which tries to force all opened files to be read-only.
* Fix for regex subroutine support bug.
* Fix for regex minimal matching performance optimization bug.
* Added Contents>Send to Search Results to References and Find Symbol Tool window to send contents to Search Results.
* Not all fixes/changes have been listed.


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