Author Topic: Uninstall Hotfixes before installing an Update?  (Read 4678 times)


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Uninstall Hotfixes before installing an Update?
« on: June 13, 2007, 04:45:26 PM »

I was looking through the documentation and I couldn't find an answer to this question.

Should I have uninstalled the hotfixes from 12.0.0 before I installed the update to 12.0.1?

I am currently running 12.0.1 but when I go to Help -> Produce Updates... -> List Installed Fixes, I see the text included below.

Also, if I now want to install the 12.0.1 hotfix, do I need to uninstall the 12.0.0 hotfix first?


Code: [Select]
File name:
File size: 747 KB
Date: 5/09/2007
Revision: 20
Description:  You must close SlickEdit and restart after loading this hotfix.
 This is revision 20 of the cumulative hot fix for SlickEdit version 12.0.0. It contains all the published fixes for 12.0.0 in one package.
cbrowser  -- Fix for Slick-C(R) stack in Symbols tool window
commentformat  -- Fixed problem of potential infinite loop when merging up the last line of a block comment can immediately reflow back when the end comment marker */ causes the line to then be too long again.
commentformat  -- Changed behavior when Enter is pressed before any content os a line comment block. Now the line that is moved down will not be reflowed.
csymbols  -- Fix bug where auto-list-members could not display members of C++ namespace
csymbols  -- Fix bug where a C file can hang when finding context info on the last line of a file that does not have end-line characters.
guicd  -- Save and restore history for exclude filespec in Add Tree form.
mouse  -- Fix for possible Slick-C stack when switching workspaces with "Show info for symbol under mouse" on.
pmatch  -- Fixed calculation of block matching color for current line.
python  -- Fixed syntax indenting with tabs in Python.
ruby  -- Fix bug where "Show info for symbol under mouse" caused a Slick-C stack in Ruby source files.
tbsearch  -- Fix search results not scrolling when using find-next or search-again commmand. Fix incorrect status message after cancel replace.
mfsearch  -- Fix old_search_string and old_search_flags incorrectly set after multi-file replace.
bgsearch  -- Fix for issue with background search when using Hidden or System flags (foreground search unaffected). WINDOWS ONLY.
tags  -- Fix handling of identifiers with numbers in them for navigation using the jump arrows from the mouse-over information.
tagrefs  -- Do not pay attention to static flag when limiting scope of references if it is in a C/C++ header file.
tagwin  -- Fix issues with Preview tool window not updating upon activation. Also fix issues with Preview displaying wrong line for COBOL copy book.
toolbar  -- Fix bug to allow you to dock on right or bottom even if you never had tool windows there before.
vbscript  -- Removed debug statements from support code for VBScript.
c  -- Added def_indent_member_access_specifier to control indention of member access specifiers (public:/private:/protected:) for C++ classes and structs.
setupext  -- Fix unable to uncheck "Apply to function braces" in C/C++ Formating Options.
surround  -- Cancel dynamic surround mode if the user clicks with the mouse.
util  -- Do not cancel single column selection unless already in block mode.
vi  -- Fix issue with macro recording and Vim '/','?' commands.
window  -- Fix issues with save-all command not saving all buffers.
bufftabs  -- Fix issues with save-all command not saving all buffers.
files  -- Fix issues with save-as command not correctly saving filenames with dash character (-) in the name.
ccode  -- Fix issues with adding and loading quoted keywords in Color Coding dialog.
search  -- Fix command-line searches to use default wrapping options.

Tim Kemp

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Re: Uninstall Hotfixes before installing an Update?
« Reply #1 on: June 13, 2007, 06:50:43 PM »
Is there a way to uninstall hotfixes?  If so, I've never done it.

I've seen the same thing you have: a list of hotfixes from a previous version.  I just went ahead and installed the new hotfixes.  I haven't had any problems.

- Tim


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Re: Uninstall Hotfixes before installing an Update?
« Reply #2 on: June 13, 2007, 09:10:25 PM »
Is there a way to uninstall hotfixes?  If so, I've never done it.

I've seen the same thing you have: a list of hotfixes from a previous version.  I just went ahead and installed the new hotfixes.  I haven't had any problems.

- Tim

I'm not sure about the first question, except that it seems to be a good question and I'll be on the lookout for any related documentation TODO items. As for uninstalling a hot fix, that is in the docs: go to Help > Index and type "hot fix". I will paste the info here for your convenience.

Unloading Hot Fixes
To unload a hot fix, use the unload_hotfix command from the SlickEdit® command line. At the prompt, select the hot fix to unload and click OK.

CAUTION Unloading a hot fix will reload the original files distributed with the previously installed release of SlickEdit. If other hot fixes include the same file or are dependent on the unloaded files, SlickEdit may behave unpredictably. If more than one hot fix has been installed, you may need to reinstall the other hot fixes after removing one of them.