Author Topic: cmake slickedit workspace should tag include paths  (Read 6074 times)


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cmake slickedit workspace should tag include paths
« on: June 11, 2019, 05:42:26 PM »
The cmake that can generate slickedit workspaces is very useful. The projects we use though, are downloading libraries via conan and each lib end up in some .conan directory and one directory for each unique version of the lib. It is not doable to have one tag file for .conan, but rather cmake should tag the include paths that are defined in the project and thus point to specific lib versions.


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Re: cmake slickedit workspace should tag include paths
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2019, 07:10:47 AM »
I realize now that the generated slickedit project actually includes all the include paths to the .conan directories with the used libraries. The include paths in the slickedit project does not seem to be part of the workspace tag file. Is it possible to add these directories to the tag file in some way?


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Re: cmake slickedit workspace should tag include paths
« Reply #2 on: August 01, 2019, 02:38:53 PM »
It is easy to make custom tag files.  From main menu, Tools > Tag Files..., and using Add, select the Languages mode, the source path, file types, excludes, and destination name.  And custom tag files can be assigned to a workspace using Project > Workspace Properties..., and using Tag Files... you add a Workspace Auto-Updated Tag Files to add an existing tag database to the Workspace.  At least it is supposed to do that, but as I am verifying I see that it might not be saving correctly, that needs to be fixed.  Of course, this is all done manually thru menu and UI and done after the workspace is generated.  Not sure there is a way to automate, would check to see if it something that could be recorded via macro.  It might be possible to add custom properties that our CMake generator could do some of that, but it would require some dev time to design and implement.


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Re: cmake slickedit workspace should tag include paths
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2019, 08:24:25 PM »
We work using conan, a package manager, where I can set a requirement that I want lib x of version ~1.z, where the tilde means that I get the latest version in the 1 range. This also means that I can get different lib versions each time I run cmake. Each version ends up in ~/.conan/data/package/x/bla/some_super_long_hash/ so a new path for each version. It is not really doable to manually generate a tag file for each lib and then attach them to the workspace, since the paths are changing all the time. It would be good if it is possible to programmatically go over the include paths of a project, these paths cmake has given us, and then generate a wildcard tag file for each and then attach them to the project. In this way each referenced dependency would be found by the tagging mechanism.


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Re: cmake slickedit workspace should tag include paths
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2019, 02:26:16 PM »
I understand the ideal you are aiming for, but from a practical standpoint, how often are the APIs changing in these libraries (esp, in regard to the subset of the APIs that you are actually using)?  You could just make a copy of the libs, tag them as Lee as suggested, and probably forget about it for years.