Is it possible that SlickEdit inside of ntpinit.exe has disabled (or never enabled) the passing of Ctrl-C down to child processes?
See: ntpinit.exe did SetConsoleCtrlHandler(null, FALSE), it would ensure that Ctrl-C gets sent to child processes?
Maybe there is a reason why ntpinit.exe disables the sending of Ctrl-C to child processes?
I found a utility that allows me to send Ctrl-C in a similar way one can send SIGINT in Linux, "win-kill": .
When I open a command window outside of SlickEdit and run my java code, I am able to send it a Ctrl-C via win-kill from another window and it is indeed received and aborts my Java code in the way I expect (and I'm able to catch this in my java code).
But when I run the java program in the process buffer of SE by directly invoking "java ...." at the prompt in the process buffer, using win-kill to the PID of that java code doesn't seem to work.
When I look at the process tree in Process Explorer/Task Manager, I see SlickEdit invokes ntpinit.exe, which the invokes cmd.exe, and under that is java.exe.
So I suspect that it is ntpinit.exe that is blocking the sending of Ctrl-C to child processes somehow.
Also very interesting: implemented a java version of "win-kill" based on the "In Java, using JNA ..." solution on that java page, and it also is able to interrupt my java code in my own cmd, however that does not work when the Java code is launched inside SlickEdit.
So I suspect it is SlickEdit itself, possibly ntpinit.exe, that is blocking the Ctrl-C from getting to child processes.