Author Topic: simplified option for named configuration directory "vs -sname somename"  (Read 1421 times)


  • Senior Community Member
  • Posts: 3998
  • Hero Points: 521
I frequently spin up a new instance of SlickEdit for searching, slicing, dicing, and trying to understand various log files.  Since I don't want these directories polluting my workspace history, I usually start "vs" with the "-sc" option and point it to a default configuration directory, like "vs -sc /tmp/defcon1"

It would be very useful to have a shortcut "-sc" option for named configuration directory, such as "vs -sname logconfig", which would place the configuration in a directory such as "$HOME/.slickedit/logconfig/28.0.2/..."

I can create a shell alias to work around this, but I think this would be generally useful.