Author Topic: Ada with clause fails  (Read 3942 times)


  • Junior Community Member
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Ada with clause fails
« on: March 11, 2021, 06:03:46 AM »
I am trying to build an Ada project that withs a number of Ada library units.
For example
with  "../../common/common.gpr";
with "opengl.gpr";
limited with "opengl-glfw.gpr";
The gprbuild command generated by GPS works under GPS.
A simpler command
gprbuild -d -p -Pjust_a_dot.gpr --config=/System/Volumes/Data/Ada_Source/default.cgpr
works from the Mac terminal.
However, specifying this same command line, or the full line generated by GPS, in Project Properties results in the command being executed by the SlickEdit Build command but the build fails with:
just_a_dot.gpr:2:06: unknown project file: "opengl.gpr"
just_a_dot.gpr:3:14: unknown project file: "opengl-glfw.gpr"
Is there some SlickEdit parameter that I need to set to enable SlickEdit run to find these libraries?
Modifying just_a_dot.gpr is not an option as this gpr file is hosted by a remote git repository.

I seem to have overcome this problem by adding
to the gprbuild command
The project builds fully and can be run from the Build command line.
I next needed to set the Run/Debug "Program to Run" item to ./a_dot to activate the Build->Execute command.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2021, 10:10:41 AM by Rogermc »