This is not necessarily a SlickEdit question, but I figure Slickedit devs or users may know the answer. It does impact how SlickEdit displays dialog boxes.
I recently changed from using KDE to XFCE desktop environment.
In KDE, in the SlickEdit dialog to close an unsaved file the order of Yes/No/Cancel buttons is Yes/No/Cancel.
I have attached screenshot as 'kde_order.png'
But in XFCE, the same SlickEdit dialog shows the buttons in a different order: Cancel/Yes/No.
Screenshot "xfce_order.png" shows the reverse order in XFCE.
I want to change XFCE to use the order I'm used to in KDE.
I did various internet searches, but couldn't find a good answer.
A bunch of pages said to change gtk-alternative-button-order = 1 in ~/.gtkrc-3.0/settings.xml
I tried that but it didn't change the order.
Any ideas?