Author Topic: Update JAR wildcard handling  (Read 1612 times)


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Update JAR wildcard handling
« on: September 11, 2022, 02:38:55 PM »
I'd like to see a change in the behavior in the Build -> Java Options -> Classpath tab when I use the
Add Jar Wildcard...
  • If the Recursive check box is not selected, then the entry appears as /path/to/directory/* in the Classpath tab.  This entry should be added to the classpath as /path/to/directory/*.
  • If the Recursive check box is selected, then the entry appears as /path/to/directory/*/* in the Classpath tab (or some other visual cue to indicate that it is recursive).  This entry should be added to the classpath as /path/to/directory/*:/path/to/directory/subdirectory1/*:/path/to/directory/subdirectory1/subdirectory11/*:/path/to/directory/subdirectory2/* etc.

Of course, if classpath contraction is invoked, these paths could be altered to relative paths, but they would still have the trailing /*.

This would be more in line with the Java standard.  According to
Class Path Wild Cards

Class path entries can contain the base name wildcard character (*), which is considered equivalent to specifying a list of all of the files in the directory with the extension .jar or .JAR. For example, the class path entry mydir/* specifies all JAR files in the directory named mydir. A class path entry consisting of * expands to a list of all the jar files in the current directory. Files are considered regardless of whether they are hidden (have names beginning with '.').

A class path entry that contains an asterisk (*) does not match class files. To match both classes and JAR files in a single directory mydir, use either mydir:mydir/* or mydir/*:mydir. The order chosen determines whether the classes and resources in mydir are loaded before JAR files in mydir or vice versa.

Subdirectories are not searched recursively. For example, mydir/* searches for JAR files only in mydir, not in mydir/subdir1, mydir/subdir2, and so on.

This means all valid wildcard entries have the form
and they refer only to JAR files.

It also means classpath entries of the form

are invalid and ignored.

This has other benefits:
  • It absolves SlickEdit of having to select an ordering for the JARs.
  • It absolves SlickEdit of having to decide whether or not to include hidden files.
  • It keeps the classpath shorter.