SlickEdit Product Discussion > Did you know?

Jump directly to class/type definition


Suppose you have some code like this:

--- Code: ---struct POINT {
   int x;
   int y;
   int z;
   int t;
void score_point(const POINT &p)
    // render the given point on a bar of musical score
void scale(const POINT &p)
   auto c = p;
   for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {

--- End code ---

You are looking at the line near the end containing "score_point(c)", and you wonder what "c" is.

In SlickEdit, in most emulations, you can just hit Ctrl+Alt+Shift+., to evaluate the return type of "c" and jump directly to it (that is to struct POINT).  Without this, you would have to jump to "c", which would mean then jumping to the argument "p" and then jumping to struct POINT from there.


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