Author Topic: Find function unique to module being displayed  (Read 1705 times)


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Find function unique to module being displayed
« on: September 05, 2023, 08:02:23 PM »
It would be nice if when you have multiple files open concurrently if the find function was unique to the window currently active.

This would permit the find again to continue with the string being searched for with out having to reenter the search string as you using for the module.

For example i have 2 windows open concurrently displaying moda and modb
the find string for moda is: i++ (I am looking for all occurances of i++) and the find string for modb is: cryptidPtr (I am looking for all occurances of cryptidPtr).

If i find an occurrence of i++ in moda and switch to the window for modb and look for cryptidPtr and then switch back to moda window I have to chg the find string back to i++ so i can find the next occurrence of i++. Then if i switch back to the window for modb I have to change the find string back to cryptidPtr so i can find the next occurrence of cryptidPtr.

What I am asking for is for slickedit to remember what the find string was for each open window and switch the find string back to what was last used for the window.
