Author Topic: Exiting Slicked displays tagging window, can't be canceled-takes hours to finish  (Read 598 times)


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Have had this nagging problem off and on for years and I've seen posts about it but the cause always seemed to be a mystery. We were able to narrow down the cause for our case, so I thought I'd post it on here.

Essentially, the problem was a symbolic link (or junction, in windows terms) formed a loop in the source directory structure under one of our projects in the workspace being tagged. The project was set up with the source file filters (*.c, *.cpp etc) and the option for these filters had "Recurse" set to "1". Obviously, this caused Slickedit to re-process the same files over and over (probably only limited by some internal slickedit limit on path depth). In our case, it was the build for nodejs living under a couple of our projects that was creating these links at build time.

Can't really blame Slickedit for this since a loop like this would probably be difficult to detect. But the un-cancelable tagging window on exiting Slickedit seems like a Slickedit bug and I know it's been there since at least 26.

Hopefully, Slickedit devs can now re-create the problem by creating a few of these recursive symlinks and reproduce the un-cancelable tagging window on exit.

Should also add that I'm on Slickedit Pro 2022 (v27.0.2.0 64-bit Qt5) under Windows 11.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 05:05:02 PM by kevino »


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Try invoking SlickEdit with the +ssymlink invocation option. This turns on symbolic link resolution for files and directories. This does slow down performance some. The default setting just resolves symbolic links in directories.

I tested a simple project using +ssymlink and it definitely helped. My original test without this option didn't hang but I did get a lot of extra useless recursive results.

I did not test a remote mounted directory. My tests were on the local windows file system with recursive symbolic links.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 06:01:47 PM by Clark »