Author Topic: SE opens on non-existing screen  (Read 1875 times)


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SE opens on non-existing screen
« on: November 11, 2023, 10:22:35 AM »

I often (but not always) use my laptop together with an extra bigger screen and I usually put SE on that screen. SE remembers this which is nice when the screen is there. However, SE also remembers this when the screen isn't there, i.e., when I am away from my office which is not so nice.

On Windows I do have the possibility to move the mislocated window to the laptop screen. But if there is a way to do that in Ubuntu I have yet to find it. In either case it is a hassle.

So I would like SE to be better at detecting whether a secondary is present or not, and if not, open on a screen that is present.


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Re: SE opens on non-existing screen
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2023, 12:02:41 AM »
Depending on your environment/setup, you can right click on the tab in the taskbar and choose Move.  Then just moving the mouse will move the window, left-clicking will drop the window.  I haven't tried it with windows off the screen, but maybe worth a try.


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Re: SE opens on non-existing screen
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2023, 05:17:30 AM »
Depending on your environment/setup, you can right click on the tab in the taskbar and choose Move.  Then just moving the mouse will move the window, left-clicking will drop the window.  I haven't tried it with windows off the screen, but maybe worth a try.
Yes, this works on Windows. But I haven't found a similar feature in Ubuntu 23.10.

I can see in the task manager (actually ps auxww | grep vs in a terminal) that vs or vsdiff are running but their respective windows are nowhere to be seen. So I'd like there to be a way to make SE just use a screen that is actually there.