It already looks for numerous different terminal programs, but none of them are installed by default on Ubuntu 20.
Setting VSLICKXTERM fixes Tools > OS Shell..., but it does not work for project tools / run in X term. The problem seems to trace to passing the -T argument to set the title in XtermGetCommandPrefix(),17428.msg67886.html#msg67886Here is a patch:
--- /home/XXXXX/doscmds.e 2024-01-11 09:37:00.443908942 -0500
+++ /opt/slickedit-pro2023/macros/doscmds.e 2023-11-02 11:29:09.108852612 -0400
@@ -646,22 +646,17 @@
if (containsXterm("/usr/sbin/", "xterm", xterm)) return(xterm);
if (containsXterm("/usr/sbin/", "xwsh", xterm)) return(xterm);
if (containsXterm("/usr/sbin/", "iwsh", xterm)) return(xterm);
- } else if (ostype == "LINUX") {
- if (containsXterm("/usr/bin/", "gnome-terminal", xterm)) return(xterm);
_str _XtermGetCommandPrefix(_str title,bool includeShell=true)
- xterm := buildXtermPath();
+ _str xterm=buildXtermPath();
if (xterm == "") {
_message_box(nls("Can't find an X terminal emulator (xterm,dtterm,aixterm,hpterm,cmdtool).\nPlease set VSLICKXTERM to the full path to your X terminal emulator."));
- prefix := xterm' -T "'title'" -e ';
- if (pos("gnome-terminal", xterm) > 0) {
- prefix = xterm :+ ' -- ';
- }
+ _str prefix=xterm' -T "'title'" -e ';
if( includeShell ) {
cmdshell := get_env('SHELL');
if (cmdshell=='') {