Author Topic: Settings color bars -- Too noisy? Minor feedback  (Read 738 times)


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Settings color bars -- Too noisy? Minor feedback
« on: July 24, 2024, 08:41:58 PM »
First let me start by the fact that I am mildly color blind. I see basic colors OK but don't ask me to read a resistor color code (I use an ohm meter).  :)   Perhaps that makes me less color oriented than others? Maybe.

That said, I find the various colored bars on the Settings pages quite distracting. Further, there is no legend on each page to explain what the colors represent which makes them less useful. I think its more noise than useful

If there are settings to accentuate, I think bold italics could be better. But still, something on the page should explain the accentuation.

Just my 2-cents worth. It's a MINOR issue. I may be the outlier on this anyway. I can live with that.

See the attached image...


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Re: Settings color bars -- Too noisy? Minor feedback
« Reply #1 on: July 24, 2024, 09:28:55 PM »
The light blue color are lines that match your search term.  Dark blue (one only), is the currently selected line.  Light grey are section titles - they have no option widget.


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Re: Settings color bars -- Too noisy? Minor feedback
« Reply #2 on: July 24, 2024, 10:42:55 PM »
Hi Graeme,
Thanks for the clarification.

Still, to me it seems like overkill when a colored dot, colored check-mark, or colored asterisk would do. Also, do I really need the current setting/line I'm working with highlighted? Probably not. But again, when you get into GUI presentation there's a hundred opinions.


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Re: Settings color bars -- Too noisy? Minor feedback
« Reply #3 on: July 26, 2024, 01:40:54 PM »
Now that Graeme explained that some colors match the search term....
 -- Deleted the search term, the highlight bars did not go away
 -- Navigated to Bookmarks & Context Tagging so the Search pane would reload
 -- Reselected search from the left Navigation pane. It remembered the highlighting even though there is no longer a search term

Again... Minor compared to functional issues.