Author Topic: SlickEdit Projects - Configurations can be more than just build directories  (Read 2231 times)


  • Senior Community Member
  • Posts: 3998
  • Hero Points: 521
If you are like me, you have several different work modes:  Pure coding, Debugging, Developing Unit Tests, Developing Integration Tests, Documentation, etc.

You also probably have a lot of custom project tools set up if you use SlickEdit Projects to carry out specific tasks you need to do:  Building, Rebuilding, Building specific parts of your subsystem, Regenerating docs, Debugging, Running unit tests, Running Lint, etc.  My project file has 57 build Targets.  I actually need all of them.

So I decided to try something different:  Specific build configurations for each work mode with "Build", "Execute", "Debug", and "Clean" Tools set up for that specific work mode.  So now when I work on a unit test, I can use Ctrl+M to build, and it builds just that unit test and it's dependencies, Ctrl+F5 runs just that test, etc.  My "Build" menu is trimmed down to just what I need in that mode.  This helps me stay focused.  When I need to switch to a different work mode, I just switch configurations.

Though there are now multiple build configurations that target the same debug directory, it still works fine, and the different work modes can share build results from each other.

Code: [Select]
Build >
    Set Active Configuration >
         Coding (Debug)
         Unit Test Dev (Debug)
         Integration Test Dev (Debug)
         Doxygen Dev