Author Topic: HTML Symbol Lookup  (Read 7305 times)


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HTML Symbol Lookup
« on: March 20, 2008, 03:56:49 PM »
SlickEdit contains many features related to symbols. You can diff symbols, view symbol uses, use the Symbols tool window to browse symbols, etc. “Symbol” is a term that is understood by programmers of languages such as C/C++ and Java. However, HTML developers can utilize many of these features as well. For the purposes of HTML, a symbol in SlickEdit represents a character or color entity, a tag, or an attribute. For example, sometimes you may need to look up the definition for a symbol. SlickEdit provides several ways to obtain this information:

  • You can use the Preview tool window, which automatically shows the definition for the symbol at the cursor (docked to the bottom tab group of the editor by default),
  • Or, you can use the Go to Definition feature on demand. To use Go to Definition, press Ctrl+Dot when the cursor is on an entity, tag, or attribute. The reference tag file opens in the editor with the cursor at the symbol’s definition. To close the tag file and return to your original file and position, press Ctrl+Comma.