Author Topic: HTML References  (Read 10507 times)


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HTML References
« on: March 25, 2008, 01:28:10 PM »
In HTML, a symbol is an entity, tag, or attribute. If you need to see a list of all places in the current file where a symbol is used, use the Go to Reference feature. First, make sure the References tool window is displayed (it is docked in the bottom tab group of the editor by default, otherwise select View > Toolbars > References). Then, with the cursor on a symbol, press Ctrl+/. The References window is updated to display a list of all instances in the current file where the symbol is used. Each instance of the symbol in the file is shown on the left. As you use the arrow keys or mouse to scroll through items in the list, the right side of the window shows a preview of the portion of code where the symbol is used. Double-click on an instance in the list to jump to that location. Press Ctrl+G and Ctrl+Shift+G to scroll forward and backward (respectively) through the instances in the actual file.
« Last Edit: March 27, 2008, 03:38:39 PM by Lisa »