Author Topic: Javadoc lookup and reference  (Read 3348 times)


  • Community Member
  • Posts: 11
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Javadoc lookup and reference
« on: April 11, 2008, 11:08:17 AM »
Hi all,

Does anyone have any recommendations for integrating SlickEdit with javadoc documentation?  I have some libraries that I use that I have javadoc for, but not the source code.  I would like to be able to simply hit a key on a keyword in the source code and be shown the javadoc, or list of search results.  SlickEdit already shows me context help for standard java since it tags the JDK sources, but (as far as I can find) it doesn't have any sort of support for existing external javadoc help files.  In the past I've looked into converting javadoc to chm or hlp files and adding them to the SlickEdit help index.  This is awkward to maintain though, and the results of the conversion tools weren't all that great.

I've looked at and it looks very promising and I might be able to write a macro that links to it in some way.  I would need to upload the javadocs to it though, and I'm not sure that's an option yet.  Any other tools or existing macros I've missed would be greatly appreciated.

