Author Topic: The Importance of Selecting the Right Project Type  (Read 8605 times)


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The Importance of Selecting the Right Project Type
« on: May 20, 2008, 02:05:19 PM »
When you create a project (Project > New), you select the project type based on the language and, more importantly, the tool chain (compiler and debugger) you are using. Selecting the right project type is essential to configure SlickEdit to build and run your program. Once a project type is selected, it is not possible to change it.

The (Generic) project type is provided for use when a specific project type does not match the language or compiler you are using. When you use this project type, you are responsible for configuring all build, run, and debug commands. Note that it is not possible to configure the Generic project type to work with supported tool chains. For example, if you are using the GNU compiler or debugger, you need to use the GNU C/C++ Wizard. The Generic C/C++ project type supports the GNU debugger but does not contain the configuration options for the GNU compiler.