Author Topic: Organize Code Templates  (Read 12586 times)


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Organize Code Templates
« on: May 29, 2008, 12:47:44 PM »
You can organize your code templates into categories. To create a new template category, simply create a new directory in your user templates directory. The name of the directory will appear in the Categories list when you create new templates. For example, if you wanted to create a Dialogs category for Java project items, you could create the following directory, placing all of your templates for that category in "Dialogs":

You can also use the Template Manager to create categories for your custom templates: From the main menu, click File > Template Manager. Select User Templates, then select New Category from the right-click context menu.

Caution: We do not recommend creating new categories or re-organizing categories under installed templates since the next upgrade would overwrite any customizations you have made. If you want to customize an installed template, first copy it to the user templates directory, then perform your customization on the copy.