Author Topic: Automatic HTML and XML Features  (Read 13413 times)


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Automatic HTML and XML Features
« on: June 12, 2008, 02:08:42 PM »
In SlickEdit, HTML and XML tags are formatted according to a default layout, a feature called “Tag Layout”, and the content between tags is automatically wrapped according to the default settings, a feature called “Content Wrap”. These features are collectively called "XML/HTML Formatting". When working with HTML or XML in SlickEdit, you may notice the automatic formatting and wrapping that is happening as you type in these files.

You may like the way the features work "out of the box". Or, you may want to change or customize the features to work the way you want them to. XML/HTML Formatting is based on schemes that are highly configurable. You can specify options such as automatic insertion of end tags, the column at which to wrap the text, whether or not tags should be on separate lines from the content, and much much more. To configure the settings, use the XML or HTML Formatting Options node on the Options dialog (Tools > Options > Languages > [LanguageCategory] > [Language] > Formatting Options).

If the XML/HTML Formatting features aren't working as you like and you don’t have time to configure them, you can turn off either just Tag Layout or just Content Wrap or the entire feature set at once from the Document menu: From the main menu, click Document > XML/HTML Formatting, then uncheck the individual features, or disable both sets of features at once by unchecking Enable XML Formatting (or Enable HTML Formatting, depending on your document mode).