Author Topic: Learning Special Key Bindings  (Read 11962 times)


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Learning Special Key Bindings
« on: July 29, 2008, 01:42:38 PM »
A tip about using the List Clipboards feature and learning new key bindings from one of our own programmers:

It took me a long time to get used to using list_clipboards.  My brain deeply resisted the idea of cramming another key sequence into my long-term memory.  Finally, I thought, hey, if I put list_clipboards somewhere where it will be self-evident, then I'll be able to remember it every time I need it.  So, I thought it over and decided if Ctrl+V was paste, then the best place for list_clipboards was Ctrl+Shift+V.  You can imagine my embarrassment when I realized that Ctrl+Shift+V was already the default binding for list_clipboards (in CUA emulation). 

The point of this tip is not to just think of key bindings for useful commands as random stuff you just have to remember, instead, try to understand why the key sequence is where it is, and it will be much easier to remember.  And if the default binding doesn't make sense to you, find a key sequence that does make sense.